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Fisilau puts himself in England contention after outshining Harlequins duo

20-year-old inspired Exeter to victory over Harlequins and put Steve Borthwick on notice of his qualities

Ask coaches or players about one-on-one matchups in games and they will often switch the focus to the team. Which is why Rob Baxter’s comments about Greg Fisilau and Ethan Roots after Exeter’s 58-26 win over Harlequins were worth paying attention to.
Roots started three of England’s Six Nations matches and was a replacement against France, while Fisilau featured for England A against Portugal. On Saturday they were up against Chandler Cunningham-South and Alex Dombrandt, also recently in the mix with England. The Exeter director of rugby spoke about giving Roots and Fisilau the best platform possible to impress against two direct rivals for places on the plane to Japan and New Zealand this summer.
“We talked about it as a team in the week, there is a direct battle going on there isn’t there?” said Baxter. “You have got Dombrandt and Cunningham-South in their back row and you have got Fisilau and Roots in our back row. There was a head-to-head confrontation going on there about who is touring with England. They have all been involved in England or England A squads, we talked about it in the week… are we going to give our lads the platform to come out on top of that? I think Greg put down as big a marker as he could.”
Baxter can say that again. Fisilau’s potential feels enormous and his performance on Saturday was arguably his best of the season, peaking with two carries in the build-up to Dan John’s try when Fisilau brushed off two big tackles, one which looked suspiciously high from Harlequins’ Irne Herbst, to keep the attack alive before Exeter found the space to put John over.
Silky stuff from @ExeterChiefs 👌Greg Fisilau shrugs off a big hit on the way to sending Dan John over 💪Watch live on @rugbyontnt 📺#GallagherPrem | #EXEvHAR
Finishing as Exeter’s top tackler with 13 was eye-catching, but No 8s do not rack up over 100 metres with ball in hand without putting in some serious work. Fisilau did that with his 13 carries, beating three defenders. There have been real flashes of promise all season, with Fisilau one of the many young players in this Exeter side to pleasantly surpass expectations (think Immanuel Feyi-Waboso). But as Baxter hinted afterwards, in a season full of exciting hints, this was different; a complete performance.
“He had a stand out game, one of his best. He has had a great season and he has had great moments, but to tie a game together, to watch a guy be as effective in ball carrying as he was today… the thing with Greg is he was playing under-20s rugby last year, that is the beauty of it for me, The physical development and the maturity is all going to come. It’s just fantastic.”
Fisilau’s efforts if he can repeat them next week at Leicester and potentially in the semi-finals will give Steve Borthwick something to ponder. Dombrandt was in the No 20 shirt against Ireland and France once England reshuffled their pack after George Martin was fit again. With Chessum now ruled out of the summer Tests against Japan and New Zealand, England’s pack faces more change. Dombrandt stood out in moments against Exeter, particularly with a burst off a maul powering through Exeter’s Tom Cairns to take his try. But it was Fisilau’s day, his victory in their one-on-one matchup, with Exeter successfully giving him that platform to deliver. Against Harlequins, he looked comfortable carrying either tight to the ruck or out on the wings, allowed to play that ball-carrying role thanks to Dafydd Jenkins, Roots and Jacques Vermeulen busily clearing rucks.
No one is saying that Fisilau will displace Ben Earl at No 8 and start at Eden Park – we are far from that stage. More complete performances like the one against Harlequins are needed on a consistent basis for that conversation. But as an option to go on tour with England, given what Fisilau has shown so far this season combined with his age (he turns 21 in July) and potential? Borthwick has to be tempted.
